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3 Reasons Mobile Apps are the Future of Retail Destinations

During the last year, it’s become clear that shopping centers need to have an omnichannel strategy. In fact, customers increased their online shopping and have significantly changed their approach to choosing and purchasing products. Consequently, shopping centers had to adapt their businesses to a new type of customer. They had to provide further services while investing even more in their relationship with customers. 

The relationship between centers and customers has increasingly become a mix of digital and physical aspects. Pablo Perez and Georgie Altman, retail experts at Google, tried to predict and understand the future of retail in various markets over five years. Their study found that retailers with an important digital offering will increase sales. By 2024, 53% of revenue coming from retail will be earned by companies with digital offerings in their business models.

In retail, apps have become a fundamental component of the digital offer and have proven to be very useful in increasing sales and customer loyalty. In fact, app customers are more loyal. Sie geben 37 % mehr aus als andere Kunden bei der gleichen Marke, kaufen 33 % häufiger und kaufen 34 % mehr Artikel..

Wenn Sie immer noch zögern, Ihren Kunden eine mobile App anzubieten, sehen Sie sich die drei wichtigsten Möglichkeiten an, wie eine mobile Einzelhandels-App Ihrem Einzelhandelsziel zugute kommt. 

Apps are an omnichannel tool.

In other articles I have written, most recently, Three ways Italy’s shopping centers will reinvent themselves in the post-covid era. I expressed my opinion regarding integrating the offline and online world: the boundaries between the two worlds have merged. Shopping malls must adopt an omnichannel approach capable of offering their customers what they need when they need it through the channels they want.

Die Mehrheit der Erwachsenen besitzt ein Smartphone oder ein Tablet. Daher stellen mobile Apps ein sehr effektives Instrument dar, um bei den Käufern zu sein und die Kontinuität in der Beziehung zu ihnen zu gewährleisten. Tatsächlich nutzen 73 % der Erwachsenen regelmäßig ihr Smartphone, und ein erheblicher Teil von ihnen liebt es, Apps zu verwenden. In Deutschland verbrachten die Verbraucher im Jahr 2020 insgesamt 82 Milliarden Stunden mit Shopping-Apps.

Apps favor a personalized customer experience.

After downloading an app, customers can set their preferences to receive content and communications that make a difference. As interactions increase, apps ‘learn’ what consumers love and want and offer users a tailored customer experience based on relevant recommendations, personalized communications, and sought-after rewards that are genuinely appreciated and valued. In addition, apps allow the management of shopping centers to get to know their customers in-depth and to find out which aspects of their offers are more relevant to shoppers. This data is pivotal to Kundenfrequenz und mehr Umsatz zu erzielen. 

Apps improve communication and conversion rates.

Apps allow you to send two types of notifications: push notifications, which customers receive regardless of their activities, and in-app notifications, which are sent only when the customer opens the app. Push notifications are extremely useful for shopping centers. This communication mode allows marketers to deliver relevant offers and content based on customer preferences. These communications incentivize the visitor to buy and show a click-through rate of 40%. The effectiveness of these personalized communications is displayed in an almost immediate improvement in the conversion rate.

We are witnessing major interest in mobile apps from shopping centers worldwide. Interest is primarily driven by the fact mobile apps are one of the most effective tools to engage customers. Apps use proximity marketing to personalize communications and the shopping experience for visitors based on customer location, preferences, and behavior. A mobile app is also an accelerator for developing an omnichannel retail strategy. It should be a significant investment area now if you can effectively compete for your customer’s share of wallet. 

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